
Himachal Pradesh launched PEHAL programme for Shimla


PEHAL programme launched by Himachal Pradesh Government for the development of Shimla

Miscellaneous India
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on 22 May 2016 launched the PEHAL programme for the district of Shimla. The objective of the programme is to identify certain thrust areas that have a direct bearing on the lives of the people in the district. Under the PEHAL, 5 focus areas were identified by the district administration for development. They are – 1. Primary Education 2. Forest Rights 3. Health and Sanitation 4. Campaign against drugs and skill development 5. Women Empowerment Features of PEHAL programme • PRERNA: It is the primary education component of the programme. The objective is to identify gaps in primary education and make teachers responsible focusing on them. 100 primary schools across the district were identified under the programme. • Forest rights: The focus will be on two aspects -educating people on forest rights and administrative measures to settle all issues in relation to community rights of traditional forest dwellers in the district. • Health and sanitation: Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and awareness campaigns will be conducted to stress the linkage between sanitation and health. • Skill Development: As part of the livelihood mission, major initiatives will be undertaken to impart skills that include basic masonry, electrical work, home appliances, plumber courses, etc. • Women empowerment: Various stakeholders, including the line departments, Panchayath Raj Institutions, Mahila and Yuvak Mandals will be involved in implementing the programme.
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